eventos@levitatur.com.br +55 11 2090-1030

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Presenting Levitatur

About us

Our highly skilled team has professionals with over 34 years of experience in the tourism market, working in several segments:

- Congresses and Events: As Tourism Agency for Events our goal is to turn the simplest meeting into an unforgettable event, using technology as a true ally.

- Corporate: Our goal is to offer a complete service concept, from the implementation of the travel policy and the analysis of the administration of travel resources to the implementation of strategies to generate economy, management of the company's travel flow, customized management reports among others.

Leisure: We transform your trip into an unforgettable experience, from national and international tourist packages, we work with the main suppliers of the market and we have a team specialized in the most diverse itineraries.

Awards and Certifications

  • Prêmio Caio


    Levitatur has been awarded 17 times with the Caio Awards in the category "Best Tourism Agency for Events". The Caio Awards, an "Oscar of Events". A

  • Certificação Great Place to Work

    Personality of the Year
    Terlange Souza

    Our CEO Terlange Souza was chosen as Personality of the Year in the Events Tourism segment.


    Certified company ABEOC Brazil

    After 18 months ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) concluded that Levitatur meets the requirements for obtaining the certification.


Satisfy our customers through outstanding quality of our services for event, leisure and corporate travel, based on a management model that focuses on transparency and respect for our customers and co-workers.

Quality Policy

Make continuous improvement in our processes and improve our employees to satisfy our customers.


Do you want to learn more about what Levitatur offers? View our presentations

Levitatur Presentation Leisure tourism

Social responsibility

In 2012 Levitatur started a campaing to help the children at CACAU NGO (Support Centre for Children with Urologic Anomalies). You can participate easily and constructively: rate our services and, for each customer rating we receive, we donate R$ 30,00 to the organization.

CACAU was idealized by professionals from NUPEP (Pediatric Urologic Nucleous at the São Paulo School of Medicine), which brings together physicians, nurses, psychologists, phisiotherapists and nutricionists. Being located inside a school, it gets very complex cases.