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Logo 8º Opinion Makers

8º Opinion Makers

10/18 to 10/19/2024
Vogue Square Fashion Hotel

Enjoy your stay with


Exibir passeios: Monolingual Bilingual


Road Map

• Panoramic City Tour of the city center, with a stop at the Metropolitan Cathedral

• Climb to Morro da Urca and Sugar Loaf by cable car

• Delicious lunch at a restaurant in Ipanema

• Ride the train through the lush Tijuca Forest and visit the famous Christ the Redeemer statue overlooking Rio

• Photo stop at Maracanã Stadium (we did not enter the stadium)


Aquarium + Museum Of Tomorrow

Road map

» Pick up at the meeting spot

» Visit to AquaRio

» Visit to the Museum of Tomorrow

» Panoramic view along Olympic Boulevard

» Return to the meeting spot

Tour Maracanã

Tour Maracanã

Samba School Tour

Road map
» Boarding at the meeting point
» Salgueiro Court
» Return to the meeting point